====== Optimage central organised image quality control including statistics and reporting. ====== ===== Abstract ===== Quality control of medical imaging systems is performed using dedicated phantoms. As the imaging systems are more and more digital, adequate image processing methods might help to save evaluation time and to receive objective results. The developed software package OPTIMAGE is focusing on this with a central approach: On one hand, OPTIMAGE provides a framework, which includes functions like database integration, DICOM data sources, multilingual user interface and image processing functionality. On the other hand, the test methods are implemented using modules which are able to process the images automatically for the common imaging systems. The integration of statistics and reporting into this environment is paramount: This is the only way to provide these functions in an interactive, user-friendly way. These features enable the users to discover degradation in performance quickly and document performed measurements easily. ===== Author ===== Andreas Jahnen¹, Clemens Schilz², Ferid Shannoun³, Alexandra Schreiner³, Johannes Hermen¹, Christian Moll¹ {{tag>Jahnen Schilz Shannoun Schreiner Hermen Moll}} ===== Organisation ===== CRP Henri Tudor¹, 29, Av. John F. Kennedy, 1855 Luxembourg, Luxembourg\\ Brüderkrankenhaus Trier², Nordallee 1, 54290 Trier, Germany\\ Direction de la Santé³, Division de la Radioprotection, Villa Louvigny, Allée Marconi, 2120 Luxembourg, Luxembourg Homepage http://santec.tudor.lu ===== Keywords ===== ===== Journal ===== Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Volume 129 ===== Citation ===== Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 2008;129(1-3):253-7. Epub 2008 Feb 5.Click here to read ===== Indexes ===== PMID: [[pubmed>18252849]]\\ DOI: [[doi>10.1093/rpd/ncn015]] ===== Download =====